diff --git a/Documentation/SELinux.txt b/Documentation/SELinux.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07eae00f3314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/SELinux.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+If you want to use SELinux, chances are you will want
+to use the distro-provided policies, or install the
+latest reference policy release from
+	http://oss.tresys.com/projects/refpolicy
+However, if you want to install a dummy policy for
+testing, you can do using 'mdp' provided under
+scripts/selinux.  Note that this requires the selinux
+userspace to be installed - in particular you will
+need checkpolicy to compile a kernel, and setfiles and
+fixfiles to label the filesystem.
+	1. Compile the kernel with selinux enabled.
+	2. Type 'make' to compile mdp.
+	3. Make sure that you are not running with
+	   SELinux enabled and a real policy.  If
+	   you are, reboot with selinux disabled
+	   before continuing.
+	4. Run install_policy.sh:
+		cd scripts/selinux
+		sh install_policy.sh
+Step 4 will create a new dummy policy valid for your
+kernel, with a single selinux user, role, and type.
+It will compile the policy, will set your SELINUXTYPE to
+dummy in /etc/selinux/config, install the compiled policy
+as 'dummy', and relabel your filesystem.
diff --git a/scripts/Makefile b/scripts/Makefile
index 1c73c5aea66b..aafdf064feef 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile
+++ b/scripts/Makefile
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ hostprogs-y += unifdef
 subdir-$(CONFIG_MODVERSIONS) += genksyms
 subdir-y                     += mod
+subdir-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX) += selinux
 # Let clean descend into subdirs
-subdir-	+= basic kconfig package
+subdir-	+= basic kconfig package selinux
diff --git a/scripts/selinux/Makefile b/scripts/selinux/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca4b1ec01822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/selinux/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+subdir-y := mdp
+subdir-	+= mdp
diff --git a/scripts/selinux/README b/scripts/selinux/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a936315ba2c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/selinux/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Please see Documentation/SELinux.txt for information on
+installing a dummy SELinux policy.
diff --git a/scripts/selinux/install_policy.sh b/scripts/selinux/install_policy.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b9ccf61f8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/selinux/install_policy.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
+	echo "$0: must be root to install the selinux policy"
+	exit 1
+SF=`which setfiles`
+if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+	if [ -f /sbin/setfiles ]; then
+		SF="/usr/setfiles"
+	else
+		echo "no selinux tools installed: setfiles"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+cd mdp
+CP=`which checkpolicy`
+VERS=`$CP -V | awk '{print $1}'`
+./mdp policy.conf file_contexts
+$CP -o policy.$VERS policy.conf
+mkdir -p /etc/selinux/dummy/policy
+mkdir -p /etc/selinux/dummy/contexts/files
+cp file_contexts /etc/selinux/dummy/contexts/files
+cp dbus_contexts /etc/selinux/dummy/contexts
+cp policy.$VERS /etc/selinux/dummy/policy
+if [ ! -d /etc/selinux ]; then
+	mkdir -p /etc/selinux
+if [ ! -f /etc/selinux/config ]; then
+	cat > /etc/selinux/config << EOF
+	TYPE=`cat /etc/selinux/config | grep "^SELINUXTYPE" | tail -1 | awk -F= '{ print $2 '}`
+	if [ "eq$TYPE" != "eqdummy" ]; then
+		selinuxenabled
+		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+			echo "SELinux already enabled with a non-dummy policy."
+			echo "Exiting.  Please install policy by hand if that"
+			echo "is what you REALLY want."
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		mv /etc/selinux/config /etc/selinux/config.mdpbak
+		grep -v "^SELINUXTYPE" /etc/selinux/config.mdpbak >> /etc/selinux/config
+		echo "SELINUXTYPE=dummy" >> /etc/selinux/config
+	fi
+cd /etc/selinux/dummy/contexts/files
+$SF file_contexts /
+mounts=`cat /proc/$$/mounts | egrep "ext2|ext3|xfs|jfs|ext4|ext4dev|gfs2" | awk '{ print $2 '}`
+$SF file_contexts $mounts
+dodev=`cat /proc/$$/mounts | grep "/dev "`
+if [ "eq$dodev" != "eq" ]; then
+	mount --move /dev /mnt
+	$SF file_contexts /dev
+	mount --move /mnt /dev
diff --git a/scripts/selinux/mdp/Makefile b/scripts/selinux/mdp/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb365b333441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/selinux/mdp/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+hostprogs-y	:= mdp
+HOST_EXTRACFLAGS += -Isecurity/selinux/include
+always		:= $(hostprogs-y)
+clean-files	:= $(hostprogs-y) policy.* file_contexts
diff --git a/scripts/selinux/mdp/dbus_contexts b/scripts/selinux/mdp/dbus_contexts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..116e684f9fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/selinux/mdp/dbus_contexts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
+ "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/busconfig.dtd">
+  <selinux>
+  </selinux>
diff --git a/scripts/selinux/mdp/mdp.c b/scripts/selinux/mdp/mdp.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca757d486187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/selinux/mdp/mdp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ *
+ * mdp - make dummy policy
+ *
+ * When pointed at a kernel tree, builds a dummy policy for that kernel
+ * with exactly one type with full rights to itself.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2006
+ *
+ * Authors: Serge E. Hallyn <serue@us.ibm.com>
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "flask.h"
+void usage(char *name)
+	printf("usage: %s [-m] policy_file context_file\n", name);
+	exit(1);
+void find_common_name(char *cname, char *dest, int len)
+	char *start, *end;
+	start = strchr(cname, '_')+1;
+	end = strchr(start, '_');
+	if (!start || !end || start-cname > len || end-start > len) {
+		printf("Error with commons defines\n");
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	strncpy(dest, start, end-start);
+	dest[end-start] = '\0';
+#define S_(x) x,
+static char *classlist[] = {
+#include "class_to_string.h"
+#undef S_
+#include "initial_sid_to_string.h"
+#define TB_(x) char *x[] = {
+#define TE_(x) NULL };
+#define S_(x) x,
+#include "common_perm_to_string.h"
+#undef TB_
+#undef TE_
+#undef S_
+struct common {
+	char *cname;
+	char **perms;
+struct common common[] = {
+#define TB_(x) { #x, x },
+#define S_(x)
+#define TE_(x)
+#include "common_perm_to_string.h"
+#undef TB_
+#undef TE_
+#undef S_
+#define S_(x, y, z) {x, #y},
+struct av_inherit {
+	int class;
+	char *common;
+struct av_inherit av_inherit[] = {
+#include "av_inherit.h"
+#undef S_
+#include "av_permissions.h"
+#define S_(x, y, z) {x, y, z},
+struct av_perms {
+	int class;
+	int perm_i;
+	char *perm_s;
+struct av_perms av_perms[] = {
+#include "av_perm_to_string.h"
+#undef S_
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	int i, j, mls = 0;
+	char **arg, *polout, *ctxout;
+	int classlist_len, initial_sid_to_string_len;
+	FILE *fout;
+	if (argc < 3)
+		usage(argv[0]);
+	arg = argv+1;
+	if (argc==4 && strcmp(argv[1], "-m") == 0) {
+		mls = 1;
+		arg++;
+	}
+	polout = *arg++;
+	ctxout = *arg;
+	fout = fopen(polout, "w");
+	if (!fout) {
+		printf("Could not open %s for writing\n", polout);
+		usage(argv[0]);
+	}
+	classlist_len = sizeof(classlist) / sizeof(char *);
+	/* print out the classes */
+	for (i=1; i < classlist_len; i++) {
+		if(classlist[i])
+			fprintf(fout, "class %s\n", classlist[i]);
+		else
+			fprintf(fout, "class user%d\n", i);
+	}
+	fprintf(fout, "\n");
+	initial_sid_to_string_len = sizeof(initial_sid_to_string) / sizeof (char *);
+	/* print out the sids */
+	for (i=1; i < initial_sid_to_string_len; i++)
+		fprintf(fout, "sid %s\n", initial_sid_to_string[i]);
+	fprintf(fout, "\n");
+	/* print out the commons */
+	for (i=0; i< sizeof(common)/sizeof(struct common); i++) {
+		char cname[101];
+		find_common_name(common[i].cname, cname, 100);
+		cname[100] = '\0';
+		fprintf(fout, "common %s\n{\n", cname);
+		for (j=0; common[i].perms[j]; j++)
+			fprintf(fout, "\t%s\n", common[i].perms[j]);
+		fprintf(fout, "}\n\n");
+	}
+	fprintf(fout, "\n");
+	/* print out the class permissions */
+	for (i=1; i < classlist_len; i++) {
+		if (classlist[i]) {
+			int firstperm = -1, numperms = 0;
+			fprintf(fout, "class %s\n", classlist[i]);
+			/* does it inherit from a common? */
+			for (j=0; j < sizeof(av_inherit)/sizeof(struct av_inherit); j++)
+				if (av_inherit[j].class == i)
+					fprintf(fout, "inherits %s\n", av_inherit[j].common);
+			for (j=0; j < sizeof(av_perms)/sizeof(struct av_perms); j++) {
+				if (av_perms[j].class == i) {
+					if (firstperm == -1)
+						firstperm = j;
+					numperms++;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!numperms) {
+				fprintf(fout, "\n");
+				continue;
+			}
+			fprintf(fout, "{\n");
+			/* print out the av_perms */
+			for (j=0; j < numperms; j++) {
+				fprintf(fout, "\t%s\n", av_perms[firstperm+j].perm_s);
+			}
+			fprintf(fout, "}\n\n");
+		}
+	}
+	fprintf(fout, "\n");
+	if (mls) {
+		printf("MLS not yet implemented\n");
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	/* types, roles, and allows */
+	fprintf(fout, "type base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "role base_r types { base_t };\n");
+	for (i=1; i < classlist_len; i++) {
+		if (classlist[i])
+			fprintf(fout, "allow base_t base_t:%s *;\n", classlist[i]);
+		else
+			fprintf(fout, "allow base_t base_t:user%d *;\n", i);
+	}
+	fprintf(fout, "user user_u roles { base_r };\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "\n");
+	/* default sids */
+	for (i=1; i < initial_sid_to_string_len; i++)
+		fprintf(fout, "sid %s user_u:base_r:base_t\n", initial_sid_to_string[i]);
+	fprintf(fout, "\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_xattr ext2 user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_xattr ext3 user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_xattr jfs user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_xattr xfs user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_xattr reiserfs user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_task pipefs user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_task sockfs user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_trans devpts user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_trans tmpfs user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "fs_use_trans shm user_u:base_r:base_t;\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "genfscon proc / user_u:base_r:base_t\n");
+	fclose(fout);
+	fout = fopen(ctxout, "w");
+	if (!fout) {
+		printf("Wrote policy, but cannot open %s for writing\n", ctxout);
+		usage(argv[0]);
+	}
+	fprintf(fout, "/ user_u:base_r:base_t\n");
+	fprintf(fout, "/.* user_u:base_r:base_t\n");
+	fclose(fout);
+	return 0;