config BATTERY_SAMSUNG tristate "samsung battery driver" help Say Y to include support for samsung battery driver This battery driver integrated all battery-related functions To see battery-related functions, refer to sec_charging_common.h config BATTERY_SAMSUNG_V2 tristate "samsung battery driver version 2" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for samsung battery driver This battery driver integrated all battery-related functions To see battery-related functions, refer to sec_charging_common.h config CHARGING_VZWCONCEPT tristate "VZW concept about the charging" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for the VZW concepts. config BATTERY_SWELLING bool "prevent battery swelling" help Say Y to include support for prevent battery swelling config BATTERY_SWELLING_SELF_DISCHARGING bool "prevent battery swelling with self discharging" help Say Y to include support for prevent battery swelling with self discharging config CALC_TIME_TO_FULL tristate "calculate time to full" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to use calc time to full function. config SW_SELF_DISCHARGING bool "enable sw_self_discharging" default n help Say Y to enable CONFIG_SW_SELF_DISCHARGING config BATTERY_AGE_FORECAST tristate "battery age forecast" default n depends on BATTERY_SWELLING help Say Y to use calc time to full function. config BATTERY_AGE_FORECAST_DETACHABLE tristate "battery age forecast for detachable" default n select BATTERY_AGE_FORECAST help Say Y to use battery age forecast for detachable battery models. In detachable battery models the battery cycles are calculated based on the RIL time to give an estimate on weeks that the battery has been used to determine aging. config FUELGAUGE_ASOC_FROM_CYCLES bool "FUELGAUGE ASOC output based on mapping with battery cycles" default n depends on BATTERY_AGE_FORECAST help Say Y to enable support for the mapping of ASOC with charging cycles. Support for this feature implies that a mapping table has been shared from HW team and big data side. This feature is providing support for platform required battery health monitoring concepts. config MULTI_CHARGING bool "support for multi charger ICs" help Say Y to include support for multi charger ICs config STEP_CHARGING bool "support for step charging" help Say Y to include support for step charging config UPDATE_BATTERY_DATA bool "support for updating battery data" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG && OF help Say Y to include support for step charging config ENG_BATTERY_CONCEPT tristate "set test mode in eng build" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to set test mode in eng build config AFC_CURR_CONTROL_BY_TEMP tristate "fast charging current control by temp" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to set afc current control by temp config BATTERY_CISD bool "support for cisd" help Say Y to include support for cisd cisd means cell internal short detection config FG_FULLCAP_FROM_BATTERY bool "support Fuelgauge FULLCAP measurment concept via battery driver" default n depends on BATTERY_CISD help Say Y to enable support for Fuelgauge (FG) FULLCAP measurement directly from the battery driver. This is an approximation of the remaining battery capacity. It is shouldn't be enabled if the FG supports this internally. # Fuel Gauge config FUELGAUGE_DUMMY tristate "dummy fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for dummy fuel gauge driver. This driver source code implemented skeleton source code for fuel gauge functions. config FUELGAUGE_MAX17042 tristate "MAX17042 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX17042 fuel gauge driver. This fuel-gauge can be used in voltage-tracking mode or coulomb-counting mode. config FUELGAUGE_MAX17042_VOLTAGE_TRACKING tristate "use MAX17042 fuel gauge only as voltage tracking" default n depends on FUELGAUGE_MAX17042 help Say Y to use MAX17042 fuel gauge only as voltage tracking. This mode is for target that consumes low current like smart-phone. config FUELGAUGE_MAX17042_COULOMB_COUNTING tristate "use MAX17042 fuel gauge as coulomb counting (including voltage tracking)" default n depends on FUELGAUGE_MAX17042 help Say Y to use MAX17042 fuel gauge as coulomb counting (including voltage tracking). This mode is for target that consumes high current like tablet. config FUELGAUGE_MAX17048 tristate "MAX17048 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX17048 fuel gauge driver. This fuel-gauge can be used only in voltage-tracking mode. config FUELGAUGE_MAX17050 tristate "MAX17050 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX17047 or MAX17050 fuel gauge driver. This fuel-gauge can be used in voltage-tracking mode or coulomb-counting mode. config FUELGAUGE_MAX17050_VOLTAGE_TRACKING tristate "use MAX17050 fuel gauge only as voltage tracking" default n depends on FUELGAUGE_MAX17050 help Say Y to use MAX17050 fuel gauge only as voltage tracking. This mode is for target that consumes low current like smart-phone. config FUELGAUGE_MAX17050_COULOMB_COUNTING tristate "use MAX17050 fuel gauge as coulomb counting (including voltage tracking)" default n depends on FUELGAUGE_MAX17050 help Say Y to use MAX17050 fuel gauge as coulomb counting (including voltage tracking). This mode is for target that consumes high current like tablet. config FUELGAUGE_MAX77823 tristate "MAX77823 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX17047 or MAX17050 fuel gauge driver. This fuel-gauge can be used in voltage-tracking mode or coulomb-counting mode. config FUELGAUGE_MAX77843 tristate "MAX77843 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX17047 or MAX17050 fuel gauge driver. This fuel-gauge can be used in voltage-tracking mode or coulomb-counting mode. config FUELGAUGE_MAX77833 tristate "MAX77833 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX77833 fuel gauge driver. This fuel-gauge can be used in coulomb-counting mode. config FUELGAUGE_MAX77854 tristate "MAX77854 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX77854 fuel gauge driver. This fuel-gauge can be used in coulomb-counting mode. config FUELGAUGE_MAX77865 tristate "MAX77865 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX77865 fuel gauge driver. This fuel-gauge can be used in coulomb-counting mode. config FUELGAUGE_MAX77823_VOLTAGE_TRACKING tristate "use MAX77823 fuel gauge only as voltage tracking" default n depends on FUELGAUGE_MAX77823 help Say Y to use MAX17050 fuel gauge only as voltage tracking. This mode is for target that consumes low current like smart-phone. config FUELGAUGE_MAX77823_COULOMB_COUNTING tristate "use MAX77823 fuel gauge as coulomb counting (including voltage tracking)" default n depends on FUELGAUGE_MAX77823 help Say Y to use MAX77823 fuel gauge as coulomb counting (including voltage tracking). This mode is for target that consumes high current like tablet. config FUELGAUGE_S2MU205 tristate "S2MU205 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on (MFD_S2MU205) && I2C help Say Y to include support for S.LSI S2MU205 fuel gauge driver. Ths fuel-gauge supports current tracking and voltage tracking to model the battery SOC. config FUELGAUGE_S2MU106 tristate "S2MU106 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on (MFD_S2MU106) && I2C help Say Y to include support for S.LSI S2MU106 fuel gauge driver. Ths fuel-gauge supports current tracking and voltage tracking to model the battery SOC. config FUELGAUGE_S2MU004 tristate "S2MU004 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on (MFD_S2MU004) && I2C help Say Y to include support for S.LSI S2MU004 fuel gauge driver. Ths fuel-gauge supports current tracking and voltage tracking to model the battery SOC. config FUELGAUGE_S2MU005 tristate "S2MU005 fuel gauge driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for S.LSI S2MU005 fuel gauge driver. Ths fuel-gauge supports current tracking and voltage tracking to model the battery SOC. config S2MU005_VOLT_MODE_TUNING tristate "S2MU005 volt mode tuning" default n depends on FUELGAUGE_S2MU005 help Say Y to include support 0x13 register volt tunning, so the value should be existed in device tree to prevent wrong fuelgauge parameter reading. # Charger config CHARGER_DUMMY tristate "dummy charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for dummy charger driver. This driver source code implemented skeleton source code for charger functions. config CHARGER_MAX8903 tristate "MAX8903 charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for MAXIM MAX8903 charger driver. This driver source code implemented all functions for MAX8903 charger. config CHARGER_SMB328 tristate "SMB328 charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for Summit SMB328 charger driver. This driver source code implemented all functions for SMB328 charger. config CHARGER_SMB347 tristate "SMB347 charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for Summit SMB347 charger driver. This driver source code implemented all functions for SMB347 charger. config CHARGER_BQ24157 tristate "BQ24157 charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for TI BQ24157 charger driver. This driver source code implemented all functions for BQ24157 charger. config CHARGER_BQ24190 tristate "BQ24190 charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for TI BQ24190 charger driver. This driver source code implemented all functions for BQ24190 charger. config CHARGER_BQ24191 tristate "BQ24191 charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for TI BQ24191 charger driver. This driver source code implemented all functions for BQ24191 charger. config CHARGER_BQ24260 tristate "BQ24260 charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for TI BQ24260 charger driver. This driver source code implemented all functions for BQ24260 charger. config CHARGER_BQ25898S tristate "BQ25898S charger driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for TI BQ25898S charger driver. This driver source code implemented all functions for BQ25898S charger. config CHARGER_MAX77693 tristate "MAX77693 battery charger support" depends on MFD_MAX77693 && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the MAX77693 charger MAX77693 incluse muic, pmic, haptic, led, flash driver. You have to define MFD_MAX77693 config CHARGER_MAX77823 tristate "MAX77823 battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y here to enable support for the MAX77823 charger config CHARGER_MAX77843 tristate "MAX77843 battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y here to enable support for the MAX77843 charger config CHARGER_MAX77833 tristate "MAX77833 battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y here to enable support for the MAX77833 charger config CHARGER_MAX77854 tristate "MAX77854 battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y here to enable support for the MAX77854 charger config CHARGER_MAX77865 tristate "MAX77865 battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y here to enable support for the MAX77865 charger config CHARGER_MAX77804 tristate "MAX77804 battery charger support" depends on (MFD_MAX77804 || MFD_MAX77804K) && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the MAX77804 charger MAX77804 incluse muic, pmic, haptic, led, flash driver. You have to define MFD_MAX77804 config CHARGER_MAX77888 tristate "MAX77888 battery charger support" depends on (MFD_MAX77888) && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the MAX77888 charger MAX77888 incluse muic, pmic, haptic, led, flash driver. You have to define MFD_MAX77888 config CHARGER_S2MU003 tristate "S2MU003 charger support" depends on (MFD_S2MU003) && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the S2MU003 charger S2MU003 incluse pmic, led driver. You have to define MFD_S2MU003 config CHARGER_S2MU106 tristate "S2MU106 charger support" depends on (MFD_S2MU106) && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the S2MU106 charger. S2MU106 charger is an AFC compatible charging IC. S2MU106 charger is dependent on MFD_S2MU106 so it needs to be defined. config CHARGER_S2MU205 tristate "S2MU205 charger support" depends on (MFD_S2MU205) && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the S2MU205 charger. S2MU205 charger is an AFC compatible charging IC. S2MU205 charger is dependent on MFD_S2MU205 so it needs to be defined. config PM_S2MU106 tristate "S2MU106 power meter support" depends on (MFD_S2MU106) && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the S2MU106 power meter. S2MU106 power meter is dependent on MFD_S2MU106 so it needs to be defined. config CHARGER_S2MU004 tristate "S2MU004 charger support" depends on (MFD_S2MU004) && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the S2MU004 charger. S2MU004 charger is an AFC compatible charging IC. S2MU004 charger is dependent on MFD_S2MU004 so it needs to be defined. config CHARGER_S2MU004_IVR_IRQ bool "Enable IVR IRQ support for S2MU004 CHARGER IC" default n depends on CHARGER_S2MU004 help Say Y here to enable IVR IRQ for S2MU004 charger. IVR IRQ is used to detect input current reduction that the IC is automatically performing so that the new currents are also set and propagated in SW. This is necessary to support Slow Charging concept. config CHARGER_S2MU005 tristate "S2MU005 charger support" depends on (MFD_S2MU005) && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the S2MU005 charger S2MU005 includes pmic, led driver. S2MU004 charger is dependent on MFD_S2MU004 so it needs to be defined. config S2MU005_INNER_BATTERY tristate "S2MU005 inner battery type" depends on CHARGER_S2MU005 help Say Y here to enable support for the conditional execution of code related to in-battery models using S2MU005 IFPMIC. Some features of S2MU005 might not be necessary to be run for in-battery models. Dependent on CHARGER_S2MU005 config S2MU005_DISABLE_BUCK_MODE bool "DISABLE buck on mode in S2MU005 charger" default n depends on CHARGER_S2MU005 help Say Y to disable use of buck on mode in S2MU005 IFPMIC. When BUCK ON only mode is used it can have side-effects such as LCD flicker because of VSYS overshoot. If model has to be compliant with BC1.2 spec we need to use this feature. Enable feature based on model requirements. config CHARGER_DA9155 tristate "DA9155 charger driver" default n help Say Y here to support for the da9155 charger The DA9155 is a slave charger that extends the current capability of an existing charging solution. config WIRELESS_CHARGER_HIGH_VOLTAGE tristate "high voltage wireless charger" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the wireless charger charger driver. config CS100_JPNCONCEPT tristate "cs100 command support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG && I2C help Say Y here to support for CS100 command to stop when full-charged on wireless charging for JPN models config WIRELESS_CHARGER_BQ51221 tristate "bq51221 battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the bq51221 charger bq51221 wireless charger driver. config WIRELESS_CHARGER_P9220 tristate "p9220 battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the p9220 charger p9220 wireless charger driver. config WIRELESS_CHARGER_S2MIW03 tristate "s2miw03 wireless battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the S2MIW03 charger S2MIW03 wireless charger driver. config WIRELESS_CHARGER_MFC tristate "MFC IC charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG && I2C help Say Y here to enable support for the MFC IC MFC wireless charger driver. config WIRELESS_FIRMWARE_UPDATE tristate "p9220 battery charger support" depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y here to enable support for the wireless charger firmware update wireless charger IC firmware update. config AFC_CHARGER_MODE bool "afc charging support in sec battery driver" default n depends on BATTERY_SAMSUNG help Say Y to include support for sec afc charging support config SAMSUNG_LPM_MODE bool "Off charging mode support in sec battery driver" default n help Say Y to include support for sec off charging support This value defined at bootloader. Before enable this feature, implemet power off charging in the bootloader. config EN_OOPS bool "enable oops filter" default n help Say Y to enable oops filter config STORE_MODE bool "enable store mode" default n help Say Y to enable CONFIG_STORE_MODE config QH_ALGORITHM bool "enable QH algorithm" default n help Say Y to enable CONFIG_QH_ALGORITHM config BATTERY_NOTIFIER bool "battery notifier" default n help Say Y to enable battery notifier config ENABLE_100MA_CHARGING_BEFORE_USB_CONFIGURED bool "enable 100mA before usb configured" default n help Say Y to enable 100mA before usb configured config ABNORMAL_BAT_THM_WA bool "enable SW Workaround for abnormal jump in battery thermistor ADC" default n help Say Y to enable SW Workaround for abnormal jump in battery thermistor ADC config S2MU004_MODE_CHANGE_BY_TOPOFF bool "enable s2mu004 mode change by topoff" default n help Say Y to enable s2mu004 mode change by topoff config A10_FACTORY_MAX_SOC bool "enable maximum store mode SOC in factory binary" default n help Say Y to enable maximum store mode SOC in factory binary