/* * sec_tclm.c - samsung tclm command driver * * Copyright (C) 2017 Samsung Electronics * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * */ #include #include struct sec_cal_position sec_cal_positions[CALPOSITION_MAX] = { {CAL_POS_CMD("NONE", 'N'),}, /* 0, NONe */ {CAL_POS_CMD("INIT", 'I'),}, /* 1, INIT case, calcount is 00 or FF */ {CAL_POS_CMD("FACT", 'F'),}, /* 2, FACTory line, run_force_calibration without value */ {CAL_POS_CMD("OUTS", 'O'),}, /* 3, OUTSide of factory */ {CAL_POS_CMD("LCIA", 'L'),}, /* 4, LCIA in factory line */ {CAL_POS_CMD("CENT", 'C'),}, /* 5, svc CENTer, cal from service center */ {CAL_POS_CMD("ABNO", 'A'),}, /* 6, ABNOrmal case */ {CAL_POS_CMD("BOOT", 'B'),}, /* 7, BOOT firmup, when firmup in booting time */ {CAL_POS_CMD("SPEC", 'S'),}, /* 8, SPECout case */ {CAL_POS_CMD("TUNE", 'V'),}, /* 9, TUNE Version up, when afe version is lage than tune version */ {CAL_POS_CMD("EVER", 'E'),}, /* 10, EVERytime, always cal in Booting */ {CAL_POS_CMD("TEST", 'T'),}, /* 11, TESTmode, firmup case in *#2663# */ {CAL_POS_CMD("UNDE", 'U'),}, /* 12, UNDEfine, undefined value */ {CAL_POS_CMD("UNDE", 'U'),}, /* 13 */ {CAL_POS_CMD("UNDE", 'U'),}, /* 14 */ {CAL_POS_CMD("UNDE", 'U'),} /* 15 */ }; void sec_tclm_case(struct sec_tclm_data *data, int tclm_case) { switch (tclm_case) { case 0: case 'F': case 'f': if (data->external_factory == true) sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_OUTSIDE); else sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_FACTORY); break; case 'L': case 'l': sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_LCIA); break; case 'C': case 'c': sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_SVCCENTER); break; case 'O': case 'o': sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_OUTSIDE); break; default: sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_ABNORMAL); } } bool sec_tclm_get_nvm_all(struct sec_tclm_data *data) { bool ret = true; /* just don't read tune_fix_version, because this is write_only_value. */ data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_ALL_DATA); data->cal_count = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_CAL_COUNT); data->cal_position = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_CAL_POSITION); if (data->cal_count == 0xFF || data->cal_position >= CALPOSITION_MAX) { data->cal_count = 0; data->cal_position = 0; data->tune_fix_ver = 0; data->cal_pos_hist_cnt = 0; data->cal_pos_hist_lastp = 0; ret = false; pr_info("%s %s: cal data is abnormal", SECLOG, __func__); } else { data->cal_pos_hist_cnt = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_COUNT); data->cal_pos_hist_lastp = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_LASTP); if ((data->cal_pos_hist_cnt > 0) && (data->cal_pos_hist_cnt <= CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX) && (data->cal_pos_hist_lastp < CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX)) data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_SIZE); else data->cal_pos_hist_cnt = 0; /* error case */ pr_info("%s %s: cal_count:%d, pos:%d(%4s), hist_count:%d, lastp:%d\n", SECLOG, __func__, data->cal_count, data->cal_position, data->tclm_string[data->cal_position].f_name, data->cal_pos_hist_cnt, data->cal_pos_hist_lastp); } return ret; } void sec_tclm_position_history(struct sec_tclm_data *data) { int i; int now_lastp = data->cal_pos_hist_lastp; if (data->cal_pos_hist_cnt > CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX || data->cal_pos_hist_lastp >= CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX) { pr_info("%s %s: not initial case, count:%X, p:%X\n", SECLOG, __func__, data->cal_pos_hist_cnt, data->cal_pos_hist_lastp); return; } pr_info("%s %s: [Now] %4s%d\n", SECLOG, __func__, data->tclm_string[data->cal_position].f_name, data->cal_count); pr_info("%s %s: [Old] ", SECLOG, __func__); for (i = 0; i < data->cal_pos_hist_cnt; i++) { pr_cont("%c%d", data->tclm_string[data->cal_pos_hist_queue[2 * now_lastp]].s_name, data->cal_pos_hist_queue[2 * now_lastp + 1]); if (i < CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_SHORT_DISPLAY) { data->cal_pos_hist_last3[2 * i] = data->tclm_string[data->cal_pos_hist_queue[2 * now_lastp]].s_name; data->cal_pos_hist_last3[2 * i + 1] = data->cal_pos_hist_queue[2 * now_lastp + 1]; } if (now_lastp <= 0) now_lastp = CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX - 1; else now_lastp--; } pr_cont("\n"); if (i < CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_SHORT_DISPLAY) data->cal_pos_hist_last3[2 * i] = 0; else data->cal_pos_hist_last3[6] = 0; } void sec_tclm_debug_info(struct sec_tclm_data *data) { sec_tclm_position_history(data); } void sec_tclm_root_of_cal(struct sec_tclm_data *data, int pos) { data->root_of_calibration = pos; pr_info("%s %s: root - %d(%4s)\n", SECLOG, __func__, pos, data->tclm_string[pos].f_name); } static bool sec_tclm_check_condition_valid(struct sec_tclm_data *data) { pr_err("%s %s tclm_level:%02X, last pos:%d(%4s), now pos:%d(%4s)\n", SECLOG, __func__, data->tclm_level, data->cal_position, data->tclm_string[data->cal_position].f_name, data->root_of_calibration, data->tclm_string[data->root_of_calibration].f_name); /* enter case */ switch (data->tclm_level) { case TCLM_LEVEL_LOCKDOWN: if ((data->root_of_calibration == CALPOSITION_TUNEUP) || (data->root_of_calibration == CALPOSITION_INITIAL)) { return true; } else if ((data->root_of_calibration == CALPOSITION_TESTMODE) && ((data->cal_position == CALPOSITION_TESTMODE) || (data->cal_position == CALPOSITION_TUNEUP))) { return true; } break; case TCLM_LEVEL_CLEAR_NV: return true; case TCLM_LEVEL_EVERYTIME: return true; case TCLM_LEVEL_NONE: if ((data->root_of_calibration == CALPOSITION_TESTMODE) || (data->root_of_calibration == CALPOSITION_INITIAL)) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } bool sec_execute_tclm_package(struct sec_tclm_data *data, int factory_mode) { int ret, rc; //u8 buff[4]; /* first read cal data for compare */ if (data->irq) disable_irq(data->irq); sec_tclm_get_nvm_all(data); pr_err("%s %s: tclm_level:%02X, last pos:%d(%4s), now pos:%d(%4s), factory:%d\n", SECLOG, __func__, data->tclm_level, data->cal_position, data->tclm_string[data->cal_position].f_name, data->root_of_calibration, data->tclm_string[data->root_of_calibration].f_name, factory_mode); /* if is run_for_calibration, don't check cal condition */ if (!factory_mode) { /*check cal condition */ rc = sec_tclm_check_condition_valid(data); if (rc) { pr_err("%s %s: RUN OFFSET CALIBRATION,%d\n", SECLOG, __func__, rc); } else { pr_err("%s %s: fail tclm condition,%d, root:%d\n", SECLOG, __func__, rc, data->root_of_calibration); if (data->irq) enable_irq(data->irq); return 0; } /* execute force cal */ ret = data->tclm_execute_force_calibration(data->client, TCLM_OFFSET_CAL_SEC); if (ret < 0) { pr_err("%s %s: fail to write OFFSET CAL SEC!\n", SECLOG, __func__); if (data->irq) enable_irq(data->irq); return 0; } } if ((data->cal_count < 1) || (data->cal_count >= 0xFF)) { /* all nvm clear */ data->cal_count = 0; data->cal_pos_hist_cnt = 0; data->cal_pos_hist_lastp = 0; /* save history queue */ data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_COUNT, data->cal_pos_hist_cnt); data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_LASTP, data->cal_pos_hist_lastp); } else if (data->root_of_calibration != data->cal_position) { /* current data of cal count,position save cal history queue */ /* first read history_cnt, history_lastp */ data->cal_pos_hist_cnt = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_COUNT); data->cal_pos_hist_lastp = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_LASTP); if (data->cal_pos_hist_cnt > CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX || data->cal_pos_hist_lastp >= CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX) { /* queue nvm clear case */ data->cal_pos_hist_cnt = 0; data->cal_pos_hist_lastp = 0; } /*calculate queue lastpointer */ if (data->cal_pos_hist_cnt == 0) data->cal_pos_hist_lastp = 0; else if (data->cal_pos_hist_lastp >= (CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX - 1)) data->cal_pos_hist_lastp = 0; else data->cal_pos_hist_lastp++; /*calculate queue count */ if (data->cal_pos_hist_cnt >= CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX) data->cal_pos_hist_cnt = CAL_HISTORY_QUEUE_MAX; else data->cal_pos_hist_cnt++; /* save history queue */ data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_COUNT, data->cal_pos_hist_cnt); data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_LASTP, data->cal_pos_hist_lastp); data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_HISTORY_QUEUE_SAVE, true); data->cal_pos_hist_queue[data->cal_pos_hist_lastp * 2] = data->cal_position; data->cal_pos_hist_queue[data->cal_pos_hist_lastp * 2 + 1] = data->cal_count; data->cal_count = 0; } if (data->cal_count == 0) { /* saving cal position */ data->cal_position = data->root_of_calibration; data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_CAL_POSITION, data->root_of_calibration); } data->cal_count++; /* saving cal_count */ data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_CAL_COUNT, data->cal_count); /* saving tune_version */ rc = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_IC_FIRMWARE_VER); data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_TUNE_VERSION, rc); data->tune_fix_ver = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_TUNE_VERSION); data->tclm_write(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_ALL_DATA, 0); sec_tclm_position_history(data); if (data->irq) enable_irq(data->irq); return 1; } bool sec_tclm_check_cal_case(struct sec_tclm_data *data) { int restore_cal = 0; if (data->cal_count == 0xFF) { data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_ALL_DATA); data->cal_count = data->tclm_read(data->client, SEC_TCLM_NVM_OFFSET_CAL_COUNT); pr_info("%s %s: cal_count value [%d]\n", SECLOG, __func__, data->cal_count); } if ((data->cal_count == 0) || (data->cal_count == 0xFF)) { pr_err("%s %s: Calcount is abnormal,%02X\n", SECLOG, __func__, data->cal_count); /* nvm uninitialed case */ sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_INITIAL); restore_cal = 1; } else if (data->tclm_level == TCLM_LEVEL_EVERYTIME) { /* everytime case */ sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_EVERYTIME); restore_cal = 1; } if (restore_cal) { sec_execute_tclm_package(data, 0); sec_tclm_root_of_cal(data, CALPOSITION_NONE); return true; } return false; } void sec_tclm_initialize(struct sec_tclm_data *data) { data->root_of_calibration = CALPOSITION_NONE; data->cal_position = 0; data->cal_pos_hist_cnt = 0; data->cal_pos_hist_last3[0] = 0; data->tclm_string = sec_cal_positions; data->cal_count = 0xFF; } MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Samsung tclm command"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");