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2020-03-27 21:51:54 +05:30

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/* include/media/videobuf2-ion.h
* Copyright 2011-2012 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* Definition of Android ION memory allocator for videobuf2
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <linux/scatterlist.h>
#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
#include <linux/ion.h>
#include <linux/exynos_ion.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
/* flags to vb2_ion_create_context
* These flags are dependet upon heap flags in ION.
* bit 0 ~ ION_NUM_HEAPS: ion heap flags
* bit ION_NUM_HEAPS+1 ~ 20: non-ion flags (cached, iommu)
* bit 21 ~ BITS_PER_INT - 1: ion specific flags
/* Allocate virtually contiguous memory */
/* Provide device a virtual address space */
#define VB2ION_CTX_IOMMU (1 << (ION_NUM_HEAPS + 1))
/* Non-cached mapping to user when mmap */
#define VB2ION_CTX_UNCACHED (1 << (ION_NUM_HEAPS + 2))
/* DMA of the client device is coherent with CPU */
/* DMA should read from memory instead of CPU cache even if DMA is coherent */
/* flags for contents protection */
#define VB2ION_NUM_HEAPS 8
/* below 6 is the above vb2-ion flags (ION_NUM_HEAPS + 1 ~ 6) */
#error "Bits are too small to express all flags"
#define VB2ION_CTX_MASK_ION_FLAG ~((1 << (BITS_PER_INT - \
/* mask out all non-ion flags */
#define ion_heapflag(flag) (flag & VB2ION_CTX_MASK_ION_HEAP)
#define ion_flag(flag) (flag & VB2ION_CTX_MASK_ION_FLAG)
struct device;
struct vb2_buffer;
/* vb2_ion_create_context - create a new vb2 context for buffer manipulation
* dev - device that needs to use vb2
* alignment - minimum alignment requirement for the start address of the
* allocated buffer from vb2.
* flags - detailed control to the vb2 context. See above flags that stats
* with VB2ION_*
* This function creates a new videobuf2 context which is internal data of
* videobuf2 for allocating and manipulating buffers. Drivers that obtain vb2
* contexts must regard the contexts as keys for videobuf2 to access the
* requirments of the drivers for the buffers allocated from videobuf2.
* Once a driver obtains vb2 contexts from vb2_ion_create_context(), it must
* assign those contexts to alloc_ctxs[] argument of vb2_ops.queue_setup().
* Some specifications of a vb2 context can be changed after it has been created
* and assigned to vb2 core with vb2_ops.queue_setup():
* - vb2_ion_set_cached(): Changes cached attribute of the buffer which will be
* allocated after calling this function. Cached attribute of a buffer is
* effected when it is mapped to user with mmap() function call.
* - vb2_ion_set_noncoherent_dma_read(): Forces the DMA to read from system
* memory even though it is capable of snooping CPU caches.
* - vb2_ion_set_alignment(): Changes alignment requirement of the buffer which
* will be allocated after calling this function.
* For the devices that needs internal buffers for firmwares or devices'
* context buffers, their drivers can generate a vb2 context which is not
* handled by vb2 core but only by vb2-ion.
* That kinds of vb2 contexts can be passed to the first parameter of
* vb2_ion_private_alloc(void *alloc_ctx, size_t size).
* Drivers can generate vb2 contexts as many as they require with different
* requirements specified in flags argument. The only _restriction_ on
* generating a vb2 context is that the drivers must call
* vb2_ion_create_context() in a kernel thread due to the behavior of
* ion_client_create().
void *vb2_ion_create_context(struct device *dev, size_t alignment, long flags);
/* vb2_ion_destroy_context - destroys a vb2 context
* This function removes the given vb2 context which is created by
* vb2_ion_create_context()
void vb2_ion_destroy_context(void *ctx);
void vb2_ion_set_cached(void *ctx, bool cached);
void vb2_ion_set_noncoherent_dma_read(void *ctx, bool noncoherent);
int vb2_ion_set_alignment(void *ctx, size_t alignment);
/* Data type of the cookie returned by vb2_plane_cookie() function call.
* The drivers do not need the definition of this structure. The only reason
* why it is defined outside of videobuf2-ion.c is to make some functions
* inline.
struct vb2_ion_cookie {
dma_addr_t ioaddr;
dma_addr_t paddr;
struct sg_table *sgt;
off_t offset;
/* vb2_ion_buffer_offset - return the mapped offset of the buffer
* - cookie: pointer returned by vb2_plane_cookie()
* Returns offset value that the mapping starts from.
static inline off_t vb2_ion_buffer_offset(void *cookie)
return IS_ERR_OR_NULL(cookie) ?
-EINVAL : ((struct vb2_ion_cookie *)cookie)->offset;
/* vb2_ion_phys_address - returns the physical address of the given buffer
* - cookie: pointer returned by vb2_plane_cookie()
* - phys_addr: pointer to the store of the physical address of the buffer
* specified by cookie.
* Returns -EINVAL if the buffer does not have nor physically contiguous memory.
static inline int vb2_ion_phys_address(void *cookie, phys_addr_t *phys_addr)
struct vb2_ion_cookie *vb2cookie = cookie;
if (WARN_ON(!phys_addr || IS_ERR_OR_NULL(cookie)))
return -EINVAL;
if (vb2cookie->paddr) {
*phys_addr = vb2cookie->paddr;
} else {
if (vb2cookie->sgt && vb2cookie->sgt->nents == 1) {
*phys_addr = sg_phys(vb2cookie->sgt->sgl) +
} else {
*phys_addr = 0;
return -EINVAL;
return 0;
/* vb2_ion_dma_address - returns the DMA address that device can see
* - cookie: pointer returned by vb2_plane_cookie()
* - dma_addr: pointer to the store of the address of the buffer specified
* by cookie. It can be either IO virtual address or physical address
* depending on the specification of allocation context which allocated
* the buffer.
* Returns -EINVAL if the buffer has neither IO virtual address nor physically
* contiguous memory
static inline int vb2_ion_dma_address(void *cookie, dma_addr_t *dma_addr)
struct vb2_ion_cookie *vb2cookie = cookie;
if (WARN_ON(!dma_addr || IS_ERR_OR_NULL(cookie)))
return -EINVAL;
if (vb2cookie->ioaddr == 0)
return vb2_ion_phys_address(cookie, (phys_addr_t *)dma_addr);
*dma_addr = vb2cookie->ioaddr;
return 0;
/* vb2_ion_get_sg - returns scatterlist of the given cookie.
* - cookie: pointer returned by vb2_plane_cookie()
* - nents: pointer to the store of number of elements in the returned
* scatterlist
* Returns the scatterlist of the buffer specified by cookie.
* If the arguments are not correct, returns NULL.
static inline struct scatterlist *vb2_ion_get_sg(void *cookie, int *nents)
struct vb2_ion_cookie *vb2cookie = cookie;
if (WARN_ON(!nents || IS_ERR_OR_NULL(cookie)))
return NULL;
*nents = vb2cookie->sgt->nents;
return vb2cookie->sgt->sgl;
/***** Device's internal/context buffer support *****/
/* vb2_ion_private_vaddr - the kernelspace address for the given cookie
* cookie - pointer returned by vb2_ion_private_alloc()
* This function returns minus error value on error.
void *vb2_ion_private_vaddr(void *cookie);
/* vb2_ion_private_alloc - allocate a buffer for device drivers's private use
* alloc_ctx - pointer returned by vb2_ion_create_context
* size - size of the buffer allocated
* This function returns the pointer to a cookie that represents the allocated
* buffer or minus error value. With the cookie you can:
* - retrieve scatterlist of the buffer.
* - retrieve dma address. (IO virutal address if IOMMU is enabled when
* creating alloc_ctx or physical address)
* - retrieve virtual address in the kernel space.
* - free the allocated buffer
void *vb2_ion_private_alloc(void *alloc_ctx, size_t size);
/* vb2_ion_private_free - free the buffer allocated by vb2_ion_private_alloc */
void vb2_ion_private_free(void *cookie);
/***** Cache mainatenance operations *****/
void vb2_ion_sync_for_device(void *cookie, off_t offset, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction dir);
void vb2_ion_sync_for_cpu(void *cookie, off_t offset, size_t size,
enum dma_data_direction dir);
int vb2_ion_buf_prepare(struct vb2_buffer *vb);
void vb2_ion_buf_finish(struct vb2_buffer *vb);
int vb2_ion_buf_prepare_exact(struct vb2_buffer *vb);
int vb2_ion_buf_finish_exact(struct vb2_buffer *vb);
/* IOMMU support */
/* vb2_ion_attach_iommu - enables IOMMU of the device specified in alloc_ctx */
int vb2_ion_attach_iommu(void *alloc_ctx);
/* vb2_ion_attach_iommu - disables IOMMU of the device specified in alloc_ctx */
void vb2_ion_detach_iommu(void *alloc_ctx);
extern const struct vb2_mem_ops vb2_ion_memops;
#endif /* _MEDIA_VIDEOBUF2_ION_H */