/* * sec_step_charging.c * Samsung Mobile Battery Driver * * Copyright (C) 2012 Samsung Electronics * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <linux/battery/sec_battery.h> #define STEP_CHARGING_CONDITION_VOLTAGE 0x01 #define STEP_CHARGING_CONDITION_SOC 0x02 void sec_bat_reset_step_charging(struct sec_battery_info *battery) { battery->step_charging_status = -1; } /* * true: step is changed * false: not changed */ bool sec_bat_check_step_charging(struct sec_battery_info *battery) { int i, value; if (!battery->step_charging_type) return false; if (battery->step_charging_status < 0) i = 0; else i = battery->step_charging_status; if (battery->step_charging_type & STEP_CHARGING_CONDITION_VOLTAGE) value = battery->voltage_avg; else if (battery->step_charging_type & STEP_CHARGING_CONDITION_SOC) value = battery->capacity; while(i < battery->step_charging_step - 1) { if (value < battery->pdata->step_charging_condition[i]){ break; } i++; } if (i != battery->step_charging_status) { pr_info("%s : prev=%d, new=%d, value=%d, current=%d\n", __func__, battery->step_charging_status, i, value, battery->pdata->step_charging_current[i]); battery->pdata->charging_current[POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_HV_MAINS_12V].fast_charging_current = battery->pdata->step_charging_current[i]; battery->pdata->charging_current[POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_HV_MAINS].fast_charging_current = battery->pdata->step_charging_current[i]; battery->pdata->charging_current[POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_HV_ERR].fast_charging_current = battery->pdata->step_charging_current[i]; battery->step_charging_status = i; return true; } return false; } void sec_step_charging_init(struct sec_battery_info *battery, struct device *dev) { struct device_node *np = dev->of_node; int ret, len; sec_battery_platform_data_t *pdata = battery->pdata; unsigned int i; const u32 *p; ret = of_property_read_u32(np, "battery,step_charging_type", &battery->step_charging_type); pr_err("%s: step_charging_type 0x%x\n", __func__, battery->step_charging_type); if (ret) { pr_err("%s: step_charging_type is Empty\n", __func__); battery->step_charging_type = 0; return; } p = of_get_property(np, "battery,step_charging_condtion", &len); if (!p) { battery->step_charging_step = 0; } else { len = len / sizeof(u32); battery->step_charging_step = len; pdata->step_charging_condition = kzalloc(sizeof(u32) * len, GFP_KERNEL); ret = of_property_read_u32_array(np, "battery,step_charging_condtion", pdata->step_charging_condition, len); if (ret) { pr_info("%s : step_charging_condtion read fail\n", __func__); battery->step_charging_step = 0; } else { pdata->step_charging_current = kzalloc(sizeof(u32) * len, GFP_KERNEL); ret = of_property_read_u32_array(np, "battery,step_charging_current", pdata->step_charging_current, len); if (ret) { pr_info("%s : step_charging_current read fail\n", __func__); battery->step_charging_step = 0; } else { battery->step_charging_status = -1; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { pr_info("%s : step condition(%d), current(%d)\n", __func__, pdata->step_charging_condition[i], pdata->step_charging_current[i]); } } } } }