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2020-03-27 16:21:54 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
#ifndef _SCSC_CORE_H
#define _SCSC_CORE_H
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/notifier.h>
#include "scsc_mifram.h"
/* offset from 0x80000000, the start of BAAW1 region */
#define SCSC_BAAW1_OFFSET 0x400000
struct device;
struct firmware;
struct scsc_mx;
enum scsc_service_id {
enum scsc_module_client_reason {
/* Core Driver Module registration */
struct scsc_mx_module_client {
char *name;
void (*probe)(struct scsc_mx_module_client *module_client, struct scsc_mx *mx, enum scsc_module_client_reason reason);
void (*remove)(struct scsc_mx_module_client *module_client, struct scsc_mx *mx, enum scsc_module_client_reason reason);
/* Service Client interface */
struct scsc_service_client;
struct scsc_service_client {
/** Called on Maxwell failure. The Client should Stop all SDRAM & MIF
* Mailbox access as fast as possible and inform the Manager by calling
* client_stopped() */
void (*stop_on_failure)(struct scsc_service_client *client);
/** Called when Maxwell failure has handled and the Maxwell has been
* reset. The Client should assume that any Maxwell resources it held are
* invalid */
void (*failure_reset)(struct scsc_service_client *client, u16 scsc_panic_code);
/* called when AP processor is going into suspend. */
int (*suspend)(struct scsc_service_client *client);
/* called when AP processor has resumed */
int (*resume)(struct scsc_service_client *client);
/* called when log collection has been triggered */
void (*log)(struct scsc_service_client *client, u16 reason);
* here: some serious warnings about not blocking or doing anything lengthy at all
typedef void (*scsc_mifintrbit_handler)(int which_bit, void *data);
* Core Module Inteface
int scsc_mx_module_register_client_module(struct scsc_mx_module_client *module_client);
void scsc_mx_module_unregister_client_module(struct scsc_mx_module_client *module_client);
int scsc_mx_module_reset(void);
* Core Instance interface
/** 1st thing to do is call open and return service managment interface*/
struct scsc_service *scsc_mx_service_open(struct scsc_mx *mx, enum scsc_service_id id, struct scsc_service_client *client, int *status);
* Service interface
/** pass a portable dram reference and returns kernel pointer (basically is dealing with the pointers) */
void *scsc_mx_service_mif_addr_to_ptr(struct scsc_service *service, scsc_mifram_ref ref);
void *scsc_mx_service_mif_addr_to_phys(struct scsc_service *service, scsc_mifram_ref ref);
int scsc_mx_service_mif_ptr_to_addr(struct scsc_service *service, void *mem_ptr, scsc_mifram_ref *ref);
int scsc_mx_service_start(struct scsc_service *service, scsc_mifram_ref ref);
int scsc_mx_service_stop(struct scsc_service *service);
int scsc_mx_service_close(struct scsc_service *service);
int scsc_mx_service_mif_dump_registers(struct scsc_service *service);
int scsc_mx_service_get_abox_shared_mem(struct scsc_service *service, void **data);
/** Signal a failure detected by the Client. This will trigger the systemwide
* failure handling procedure: _All_ Clients will be called back via
* their stop_on_failure() handler as a side-effect. */
void scsc_mx_service_service_failed(struct scsc_service *service, const char *reason);
/* MEMORY Interface*/
/** Allocate a contiguous block of SDRAM accessible to Client Driver */
int scsc_mx_service_mifram_alloc(struct scsc_service *service, size_t nbytes, scsc_mifram_ref *ref, u32 align);
/** Free a contiguous block of SDRAM */
void scsc_mx_service_mifram_free(struct scsc_service *service, scsc_mifram_ref ref);
/* MBOX Interface */
/** Allocate n contiguous mailboxes. Outputs index of first mbox, returns FALSE if cant allocate n contiguous mailboxes. */
bool scsc_mx_service_alloc_mboxes(struct scsc_service *service, int n, int *first_mbox_index);
/** Free n contiguous mailboxes. */
void scsc_service_free_mboxes(struct scsc_service *service, int n, int first_mbox_index);
/** Get kernel-space pointer to a mailbox.
* The pointer can be cached as it is guaranteed not to change between service start & stop.
u32 *scsc_mx_service_get_mbox_ptr(struct scsc_service *service, int mbox_index);
/* IRQ Interface */
/* Getters/Setters */
/* From R4/M4 */
int scsc_service_mifintrbit_bit_mask_status_get(struct scsc_service *service);
int scsc_service_mifintrbit_get(struct scsc_service *service);
void scsc_service_mifintrbit_bit_clear(struct scsc_service *service, int which_bit);
void scsc_service_mifintrbit_bit_mask(struct scsc_service *service, int which_bit);
void scsc_service_mifintrbit_bit_unmask(struct scsc_service *service, int which_bit);
/* To R4/M4 */
enum scsc_mifintr_target {
void scsc_service_mifintrbit_bit_set(struct scsc_service *service, int which_bit, enum scsc_mifintr_target dir);
/* Register an interrupt handler -TOHOST direction.
* Function returns the IRQ associated , -EIO if all interrupts have been assigned */
int scsc_service_mifintrbit_register_tohost(struct scsc_service *service, scsc_mifintrbit_handler handler, void *data);
/* Unregister an interrupt handler associated with a bit -TOHOST direction */
int scsc_service_mifintrbit_unregister_tohost(struct scsc_service *service, int which_bit);
/* Get an interrupt bit associated with the target (R4/M4) -FROMHOST direction
* Function returns the IRQ bit associated , -EIO if error */
int scsc_service_mifintrbit_alloc_fromhost(struct scsc_service *service, enum scsc_mifintr_target dir);
/* Free an interrupt bit associated with the target (R4/M4) -FROMHOST direction
* Function returns the 0 if succedes , -EIO if error */
int scsc_service_mifintrbit_free_fromhost(struct scsc_service *service, int which_bit, enum scsc_mifintr_target dir);
* Return a kernel device associated 1:1 with the Maxwell instance.
* This is published only for the purpose of associating service drivers
* with a Maxwell instance for logging purposes. Clients should not make
* any assumptions about the device type. In some configurations this may
* be the associated host-interface device (AXI/PCIe),
* but this may change in future.
struct device *scsc_service_get_device(struct scsc_service *service);
int scsc_service_force_panic(struct scsc_service *service);
* API to share /sys/wifi kobject between core and wifi driver modules.
* Depending upon the order of loading respective drivers, a kobject is
* created and shared with the other driver. This convoluted implementation
* is required as we need the common kobject associated with "/sys/wifi" directory
* when creating a file underneth. core driver (mxman.c) need to create "memdump"
* and wifi driver (dev.c,mgt.c) needs to create "mac_addr" files respectively.
struct kobject *mxman_wifi_kobject_ref_get(void);
void mxman_wifi_kobject_ref_put(void);
/* If there is no service/mxman associated, register the observer as global (will affect all the mx instanes)*/
/* Users of these functions should ensure that the registers/unregister functions are balanced (i.e. if observer is registed as global,
* it _has_ to unregister as global) */
int scsc_service_register_observer(struct scsc_service *service, char *name);
/* Unregister an observer */
int scsc_service_unregister_observer(struct scsc_service *service, char *name);
/* Reads a configuration file into memory.
* Path is relative to the currently selected firmware configuration
* subdirectory.
* Returns pointer to data or NULL if file not found.
* Call mx140_file_release_conf()to release the memory.
int mx140_file_request_conf(struct scsc_mx *mx, const struct firmware **conf, const char *config_path, const char *filename);
/* Reads a debug configuration file into memory.
* Path is relative to the currently selected firmware configuration
* subdirectory.
* Returns pointer to data or NULL if file not found.
* Call mx140_file_release_conf()to release the memory.
int mx140_file_request_debug_conf(struct scsc_mx *mx, const struct firmware **conf, const char *config_path);
/* Read device configuration file into memory.
* Path is relative to the device configuration directory.
* Returns pointer to data or NULL if file not found.
* Call mx140_file_release_conf() to release the memory.
* This call is only used for configuration files that are
* device instance specific (e.g. mac addresses)
int mx140_file_request_device_conf(struct scsc_mx *mx, const struct firmware **conf, const char *config_path);
/* Release configuration file memory
* If conf is NULL, has no effect.
void mx140_file_release_conf(struct scsc_mx *mx, const struct firmware *conf);
/* Read device configuration file into memory.
* Path is absolute.
* Returns pointer to data or NULL if file not found.
* Call mx140_release_file() to release the memory.
int mx140_request_file(struct scsc_mx *mx, char *path, const struct firmware **firmp);
/* Release configuration file memory allocated with mx140_request_file()
* If firmp is NULL, has no effect.
int mx140_release_file(struct scsc_mx *mx, const struct firmware *firmp);
/* 20 MHz clock API.
* The mx140 device uses a clock that is also required by the USB driver.
* This API allows the USB/clock driver to inform the mx140 driver that the
* clock is required and that it must boot and/or keep the clock running.
enum mx140_clk20mhz_status {
MX140_CLK_SUCCESS = 0, /* Returned successfully */
MX140_CLK_STARTED, /* mx140 has started the clock */
MX140_CLK_STOPPED, /* mx140 has stopped the clock */
MX140_CLK_NOT_STARTED, /* failed to start the clock */
MX140_CLK_NOT_STOPPED, /* failed to stop the clock */
MX140_CLK_ASYNC_FAIL, /* mx140 failure, async call */
/* Register for 20 MHz clock API callbacks
* Parameters:
* client_cb:
* If client provides non-NULL client_cb, the request is asynchronous and
* the client will be called back when the clock service is started.
* If client_cb is NULL, the request is blocking.
* data:
* opaque context for the client, and will be passed back in any callback
* Note it is possible that the callback may be made in the context of the
* calling request/release function.
* Returns 0 on success
int mx140_clk20mhz_register(void (*client_cb)(void *data, enum mx140_clk20mhz_status event), void *data);
/* Unregister for 20 MHz clock API callbacks.
* After this call is made, the mx140 driver will no longer call back.
void mx140_clk20mhz_unregister(void);
/* Client request that the clock be available.
* If a callback was installed via mx140_clk20mhz_register(), the mx140 driver
* will call back when the clock is available. If no callback was installed,
* the request is blocking and will return when the clock is running.
* Returns:
* mx140_clk20mhz_status if a blocking attempt was made to start the clock,
* MX140_CLK_SUCCESS if the request will happen asynchronously, or,
* -ve error code on other error.
int mx140_clk20mhz_request(void);
/* Client informs that the clock is no longer needed
* Returns:
* mx140_clk20mhz_status if a blocking attempt was made to stop the clock,
* MX140_CLK_SUCCESS if the request will happen asynchronously, or,
* -ve error code on other error.
int mx140_clk20mhz_release(void);
* for set test mode.
bool slsi_is_rf_test_mode_enabled(void);
int mx140_log_dump(void);
/* Shared Data BT-ABOX */
struct scsc_btabox_data {
unsigned long btaboxmem_start;
size_t btaboxmem_size;
int mxman_register_firmware_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
int mxman_unregister_firmware_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
void mxman_get_fw_version(char *version, size_t ver_sz);
void mxman_get_driver_version(char *version, size_t ver_sz);
/* Status of WLBT autorecovery on the platform
* Returns:
* false - enabled, true disabled
bool mxman_recovery_disabled(void);
/* function to provide string representation of uint8 trigger code */
static inline const char *scsc_get_trigger_str(int code)
switch (code) {
case 1: return "scsc_log_fw_panic";
case 2: return "scsc_log_user";
case 3: return "scsc_log_fw";
case 4: return "scsc_log_dumpstate";
case 5: return "scsc_log_host_wlan";
case 6: return "scsc_log_host_bt";
case 7: return "scsc_log_host_common";
case 0:
return "unknown";