drebrez 6e1e4c5cfc Device samsung i9070 (#123)
* Add Samsung Galaxy S Advance (i9070) device-specific package

* Add Samsung Galaxy S Advance (i9070) kernel package

* Add initfs-hook script to set framebuffer settings

* Enable adb root access in recovery mode (TWRP)

* Add usb configuration in initfs-hook script
Add weston calibration values
Update description of kernel changes

* Remove TMRP recovery and change init script to boot directly postmarketOS
2017-06-29 20:04:16 +00:00

30 lines
792 B

#!/stage1/busybox sh
# Samsung kernels come with their own initramfs, which extract and load another
# initramfs. Usually that depends on the recovery key combination being pressed
# or not. For simplicity, we always boot the recovery image (from the kernel2
# partition) here.
export PATH=/stage1
busybox cd /
busybox date >>boot.txt
exec >>boot.txt 2>&1
busybox rm init
busybox mount -t proc proc /proc
busybox mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
# always use the "isorec"-style lzop compressed initramfs
# from the kernel2 partition
busybox lzop -dc /dev/block/mmcblk0p17 > ${load_image}
busybox cpio -i < ${load_image}
busybox umount /sys
busybox umount /proc
busybox date >>boot.txt
busybox rm -fr /stage1 /dev/*
export PATH="${_PATH}"
exec /init