Pablo Correa Gómez 1229616e21
main/postmarketos-base: add service to mount /tmp as tmpfs (MR 4588)
And enable it by default, since it's a sensible thing to do.

This makes the bootmisc config file unnecessary, since it was only
used before to make sure that /tmp was wiped on every boot.

Mounting /tmp as a tmpfs will be skipped if:
* The user or maintainer configured deviceinfo_tmp_as_tmpfs_size=0
* If they didn't but the device has less than 2GB of RAM
* And in any case, if it is already mounted, to respect users that
  might have it in /etc/fstab

The options for mounting /tmp has been copied from my local debian
tmp.mount service. The only real difference is that we are mounting it
after /etc/fstab, and they do so before.

Fixes #2233
2023-12-21 17:38:45 +01:00

34 lines
856 B

depend() {
need localmount
after swapfile
before bootmisc
start() {
source /usr/share/misc/source_deviceinfo
if [ "$deviceinfo_tmp_as_tmpfs_size" = "0" ]; then
return 0
if [ -n "$deviceinfo_tmp_as_tmpfs_size" ]; then
_mem_size_mb="$(LC_ALL=C free -m | awk '/^Mem:/{print $2}')"
# Mount if asked to, or if more than default memory,
# but never if already mounted
if [ -n "$deviceinfo_tmp_as_tmpfs_size" ] || \
[ $_mem_size_mb -ge 2048 ] && \
! mountinfo -q -f tmpfs /tmp ; then
ebegin "Mounting /tmp as tmpfs"
mkdir -p /tmp || { eend 1 "Failed to create /tmp" ; return 1 ; }
# mount params taken from Debian buster
mount -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,strictatime,nosuid,nodev,size="$_tmpfs_size",nr_inodes=400k tmpfs /tmp
eend $?